Toughsmart's Blog

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The Smart Zone: Step 1 – The Call to Action

Living Tough-Smart has two zones: The Tough Zone  and The Smart Zone.  I always like to introduce the Smart Zone first.  As I mentioned in my earlier post (“What is Tough-Smart?”),  the Smart Zone is easy to understand.  It is rational, practical and will appeal to your intellect. Living in the Smart Zone is simple but certainly not easy. The Today I’d like to talk about Step 1 in the Smart Zone, The Call to Action.

Practically every movie I’ve ever seen starts out the same way: LIFE AS USUAL. Our hero (remember that’s you) is just doing his/her everyday, normal thing. Often our hero often has a sense that something is missing (Think Neo from the movie “The Matrix” as Thomas Anderson….Missssster Anderson).  Then, suddenly, something cataclysmic plummets into the hero’s everyday routine that changes his life forever: a meteor falls into his living room, the love of his life walks in, he has an idea that will change the world.  This is The Call to Action.

We’ve all experienced the The Call to Action. It’s the lightbulb  going on in your head. It’s divine inspiration – “the still small voice.”  It’s when opportunity knocks. It is a small whisper among the many loud voices playing to our reality that moves us to ACT! When the Call to Action comes, listen carefully.  It should inspire a sense of excitement, enjoyment and enthusiasm. The Call to Action is a nudge toward something you would really like to be or do.

When you hear the Call to Action, pause for just a second. Ask yourself a question: “Is this voice proactive or reactive.”  If the voice is urging you to do something creative, to share with others, to learn something new then it is proactive.  For example my friend, Sheldon Marr, is a police officer. He also happens to be a former olympic team alternate in Judo and an élite level wrestling coach.  In the late 1990’s, he was inspired to open Grappler’s Edge, a mixed martial arts academy. This was BEFORE mixed martial arts (U.F.C., Pride, W.E.C., etc.) was popular or even a known entity to the public. Today Grappler’s Edge is one of the top mixed martial arts gyms in the world. Sheldon was recently inducted into the Ju-Jitsu hall of fame.  Sheldon’s Call to Action was clearly proactive.  He listened to the voice of inspiration and shared his dream with the world.

On the other hand, if the voice inside you is urging you to gain revenge, to exclude others, to prove someone wrong or to merely gain recognition, then it is reactive. This is not the voice of inspiration calling. It’s your ego. Do me and the world a favor when this happens. Put your ego on hold or hang up.  Don’t worry. It will definitely call back another time.

Are you satisfied with LIFE AS USUAL?  I’m not. I’m convinced my movie is infinitely more interesting than that. When the Call to Action taps you on the shoulder, answer it. We’ll talk about how in later chapters. You will create happiness in your life and the lives of those who are fortunate enough to  share your dream.

November 17, 2009 - Posted by | The Call to Action | , , , , , , ,

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