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The Smart Zone: Step 2 – The N.E.R.D. Phase

In Tough-Smart’s last post, we talked about  Step 1 in The Smart Zone: The Call to Action. The Call to Action is a nudge toward the best possible version of yourself. Once, you’ve answered it your are on the path to success and personal fulfillment.

O.K. So you ‘ve decided to be the hero in your movie. You’ve decided not to settle for life as usual. What do you do now? NERD OUT!! SPAS OUT!! GEEK OUT!! Whatever you want to call it, it’s time for total immersion in your passion.

The world has a lot to learn from nerds. Whether it is the Scrabble champion of the world or a regular at a Trekkie convention, nerds are passionate. They love what they do almost to the exclusion of everything else. Nerds are self motivated. They will work hours on end, with little or no prompting. I’m a wrestling nerd. You don’t have to twist my arm to get me to study film of the 1980 Russian Wrestling Nationals for six hours straight. In fact, my wife has to twist my arm to get me to stop (thanks Hunny Bunny).  Nerds are detail oriented. Trust me, the people who take the time to re-enact Civil War battles also take the time to make sure they look authentic, sound authentic and, I imagine, smell authentic. Nerds are also easy to please. Give a master knitter two knitting needles and some yarn and they are in nirvana. You don’t have to entertain, placate or indulge a nerd. Just let them do what they love.

Hmmm..passionate, self motivated, detail oriented, easy to please. That sounds like someone successful. Now, as I mentioned in my earlier post, the Call to Action should inspire a sense of excitement, enjoyment and enthusiasm. Once you feel this energy paddle into that wave and ride it! (Incidentally, surfers are nerds too–just really mellow, tan nerds).  Go ahead and NERD OUT!

The N.E.R.D. phase is the honeymoon phase of your journey. It’s the phase where all things are possible. It’s the phase where you don’t care where you are going, you just know that you are enjoying yourself. This is the time to give in to that ecstatic feeling and learn as much as you can about your particular Call to Action.

In his recent book “Outliers,”  a must read those who want to live Tough-Smart, Malcolm Gladwell talks about the “10,000 hour rule.”  According to this theory, one must spend roughly 10,000 hours practicing a skill to become world-class.  Gladwell uses Bill Gates and The Beatles as poignant examples those who allowed the N.E.R.D. phase  to springboard them to legendary success. When you are in the N.E.R.D. phase, spending 10,000 hours working your craft seems like a reward, not a chore.

One last, wonderful fact about nerds. They don’t care what you think. They do what they love whether or not the world at large thinks it is cool. In fact I like to think of the word “N-E-R-D”  as a mnemonic for: Never, Ever, React to Doubters.  I’ve read countless stories of people became world class in their field. They all had their detractors. When the doubters come into your life, don’t surrender your power to them. Just keep nerding out.

At our very best we are all nerds. Once you have answered the Call to Action it is time to embrace your inner nerd. Bathe in your nerd-dome. Finally, share your passion with other “neo-maxie-zoon-dweebies” (sorry for the Judd Nelson/Breakfast Club reference. I  grew up on John Hughes films). It will take the experience to a new level.

Good luck and stay Tough-Smart

Coach Dave

November 22, 2009 - Posted by | The Nerd Phase | , , , , , ,

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