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The Smart Zone: Step 3 – Find a Coach/ Find a System

So, you’ve accepted your Call to Action. You have a passion that moves you and, most likely, a little bit of talent in that area.  Congratulations. You are better off than 99% of humanity.  The transition to The Nerd Phase came quite naturally. The energy your Call to Action brings made it easy to immerse yourself. At this moment, you need to know one thing: It’s O.K. to stay right where you are for as long as you want! There is inherent joy in The Nerd Phase. It is the honeymoon phase of any endeavor.  All things are possible and exist as potential. There is no need to measure your results when you are having that much fun.

Most of us, however, have a need for something more when it comes to our Call to Action. Somewhere within us shouts the desire for beauty and excellence. When we answer this voice, it is time to leave the comfortable nest of The Nerd Phase. It’s time to see how good we can really be. It’s time to ROCK AND ROLL. Before you rock and/or roll, read carefully. The next six words of this blog will shape your entire experience:  Find – a – Coach/Find – a – System.

The Legendary Coach K

In any field, from bodybuilding to sales to cupstacking, there are coaches. These instructors delight in teaching their field of interest. In the Tough-Smart system, we always find an élite level coach to bring out the best in us.  The secret lies in finding the right coach. Never settle for anything less than world-class. Does this mean that, if my Call to Action is completing a triathlon, I should seek out the world’s fastest triathlete? Not necessarily. It means I should seek out the coach who trains the world’s fastest triathletes. Here exists an important distinction.  Often, people who are very talented have trouble explaining how they perform at such a high level. The right coach will be able to paint in very clear, concise terms, what your road to victory will look like. In other words, world-class coaches develop world-class systems.

What if I cannot afford a personal coach?  No problem. Lucky for us, world-class coaches also delight in writing books, producing DVD’s and hosting seminars to teach their methods. These media are usually very affordable. Many times, these experts post their advice on the Internet for free! Here’s the catch. In order to live Tough-Smart, you must be willing to learn from  any and all  sources available. You say you don’t have time to watch an instructional DVD? You don’t have the discipline to read a book? The Internet doesn’t grab you? That’s not Tough-Smart.  That’s Wimpy-Stupid.

Coaches exist not only to help us work harder, but to help us work smarter. It is true that a good coach will push you harder than you would ever push yourself. World class coaches also make sure our efforts are not wasted. They make sure we do things the right way: with proper technique and with emphasis in the correct areas. In Tough-Smart, we not only find a world class coach, we find a world class coach that is right for us. You don’t necessarily have to choose the coach or system that everyone else prefers.  Choose the coach that infuses a sense of positive energy, direction, confidence and ease into your Call to Action.

Coach Troy Jacobsen has led me through hundreds of workouts....and we still haven't met!!

One final word: Once you’ve found the right coach for you, LISTEN !! Do exactly what your coach says to do, the way he/she says to do it.  If you have your own ideas, there will be plenty of time to infuse them later in your journey (See Smart Zone Step 6: Make it Your Own). For now, hone your skills the way the experts suggest.

Finding a great coach and a great system injects power into your journey. Coaches help us succeed, make it fun and make it worthwhile.

Best of luck with you Call to Action

Peace Begins with me

Coach Dave

November 30, 2009 - Posted by | Find a Mentor and a System | , , , , ,


  1. well said. I’ve been learning from great coaches via books, courses, etc. for some time now and I recently met one of my favorite teachers, Mark Joyner, in person and am now blessed to be enrolled in his business coaching coarse.

    Comment by johnhstringer | December 30, 2009 | Reply

    • Mark,
      Having a great coach, who really brings out the best in you, is a powerful relationship. What a unique opportunity you have to learn from someone you admire and respect. I have had the opportunity to learn and train with people I once idolized. It is an amazing experience to realize they are human too!

      Comment by toughsmart | December 30, 2009 | Reply

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