Toughsmart's Blog

Just another weblog

About Tough-Smart

The Phrase “Tough-Smart”  was first introduced to me in 1988 by my college wrestling coach, Chris Horpel. He had a philosophy that there were different kinds of toughness. For example, doing extra training, even when your body was completely exhausted was “Tough-Smart.” Though the extra training was difficult, even painful, it was productive. It served a purpose. “Tough-Stupid” would encompass something like eating 50 hotdogs in 10 minutes. This task takes tremendous fortitude, but is counterproductive and serves no purpose. At Stanford we wore “Tough-Smart” on the back of our Team T-Shirts.

For me, Tough-Smart is no longer a saying on the back of a T-shirt. It means much more to me now.

Tough-Smart is my personal brand of living.  More than anything, I would like to share it with you.   I’ll start by writing the Tough-Smart blog. Soon I hope to connect with you  through public speaking, through the vast array of social networks available on the internet and through talking to you  1 on 1.

The are two zones in the Tough-Smart world: 1. The Smart Zone 2. The Tough Zone.    The Smart Zone is simply a step by step plan to becoming successful. It my proven roadmap  for “getting really good” at something. It is a method to identify your passion and then to become elite in that area. The Smart Zone will make a lot of sense. It will appeal to your intellect. It is practical, everyday advice with a bit of my personal brand of inspiration mixed in. When you are in the Smart Zone you will be on your way to success in any field you choose.

The Tough Zone is harder to grasp. It is about achieving fulfillment rather than success. The Tough Zone is about personal transformation. It is where we really wake up. It’s not what you think.  It’s not about winning fist fights or gritting your teeth or sucking it up.  When you are truly “tough,” you won’t need to do any of those things. In the Tough Zone you will become the hero in the movie called “Your Life” (I always like to picture Neo in  the movie “The Matrix” ). When you are in the Tough Zone you will be able to perform, to be the person you want to be NO MATTER WHAT THE CONDITIONS OR CIRCUMSTANCES.

Sound exciting? It is . After all, this is your life! With Tough-Smart I hope to inspire you, to challenge you, to drive you crazy, to wake you up and most of all to communicate with you.


  1. Great thoughts and ideas here, Dave. This is awesome! I am always looking for and/or trying new ways and ideas for self-motivation and improvement. Thanks for putting this out there!

    Comment by Duke Pickett Sr. | December 2, 2009 | Reply

    • Thanks Duke. To be compared in any way to Dennis Waitley is a privilege. The Psychology of winning had a huge impact on my life as well. I have included a link to this series on my blog page.

      Comment by toughsmart | December 3, 2009 | Reply

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