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The Smart Zone – Step 4: The Hustle Phase

Happy holidays and God bless, Tough-Smart Nation. Let’s continue our tour through the Tough-Smart System by expanding on the Smart Zone. In Step 3 of The Smart Zone, we moved out of the N.E.R.D. Phase and found a world-class mentor/coach. As I mentioned, your mentor will compel you to work harder than you ever thought possible. He/she will also introduce you to a world-class system, which will allow you to work efficiently.

Step 4 in the Smart Zone is to Hustle; to make hay while the sun shines; to push yourself; to bust your butt. Whatever you choose to call it, Step 4 in the Smart Zone is about maximum effort. Executed correctly, The Hustle phase should not differ vastly from the N.E.R.D. Phase. It should still be fun.  After all, your are directing your hard work toward your personal Call to Action, your passion.

Unlike the N.E.R.D. Phase, the Hustle Phase is about producing results. If your Call to Action is to open a business, the Hustle phase is when you open up your doors and start producing revenue. If you are an athlete, the Hustle phase is when you start  having an impact in competition. It’s time to take the training wheels off. It’s time to keep score.  Your efforts now count.

During the Hustle Phase, it is vitally important to do things exactly the way your mentor taught you. Trust the system you’ve learned. The time for innovation will come later. In The Hustle Phase, focus on doing everything possible to enhance your chances of success. If your world-class system calls for you to practice something 100 times, then practice it 1000 times. If your mentor asks you to learn a new skill, then learn it so well that you could teach it to a 4-year-old. During the Hustle Phase, be obsessive/compulsive. Pay attention to detail. Go overboard.  By the way, questions are the bane of the Hustle phase.  Save them for later. The mantra of the Hustle phase is “over-prepare and under-think.”

In the N.E.R.D. Phase, living in the Smart Zone was sufficient. Your focus was solely on enjoyment. Starting with the Hustle Phase, living in the Tough Zone pays large premiums. In future chapters we will talk in-depth about Defining Success, Overcoming Ego, Overcoming the Victim Mentality and other “Transforming to Tough” principles. Suffice it to say for now that the Hustle Phase is NOT the time to: 1. Feel sorry for yourself. 2. Worry about what you are getting out of the process. 3. Take a vacation 4.Come up with your own grand plan.

There is no greater example of Hustle than Charlie Lewis Jr.(aka “Mask”). In 1997 Mask and his associate Dan Caldwell founded Tapout, a clothing line targeted at the mixed martial arts community. The Tapout crew hustled in legendary fashion, initially selling their gear out of the back of their car. Wherever and whenever there was an MMA competition, Tapout was there. They relentlessly pedaled their clothes, their brand and their image. From a gross of $30,000 in 1999, Tapout’s earnings rose to $100 million in 2008. Tapout also has a reality show, a video game and a popular magazine bearing its name. Tragically, after inspiring so many, Charlie “Mask” Lewis died in the Spring of 2oo9.

Just Hustle. Pursue your Call to Action with tenacity. Surprisingly, not many people know how to truly push themselves. In the Hustle phase, rise above your natural inclination to take it easy. See how good you can really be. Remember your Call to Action isn’t just about you. You are sharing it with the World… and the World deserves your best.

R.I.P. Mask.  You inspired and energized me

Peace begins with me,

Coach Dave

December 9, 2009 Posted by | Hustle | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments