Toughsmart's Blog

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The Smart Zone: The Final Phase – Introspection

You did it!!

1. You answered The Call to Action

2. You became the ultimate Nerd.

3. You found a world-class mentor/coach

4. You hustled

5. You hit The Wall…..maybe over and over.

6. You Made it Your Own – You learned, you evolved, you improvised. Your journey became something more than you could have planned.

Your Call to Action has come to fruition, or at least to a resting point (i.e. the end of a season in an athletic career).  No matter what the end result, you have a beautiful story to recant. This chapter of your movie was, no doubt, interesting and eventful. Pause for a moment. It’s time to look inside yourself and answer a few questions:

1. Am I doing what I want? Am I doing it powerfully?

2. Do I really prepare the way champions and élite performers prepare?

3. What obstacles repeatedly pop up in my movie?  I am I clear about them? How can I better respond to adversity?

4. How have I changed during the course of my Call to Action? What changes would I like to continue to make?

5. What would I do differently given the same challenge? Is this a journey I would like to repeat?

6.  How am  I sharing my Call to Action with others?

7.  Did the results ever really matter? (I’m sure during your Call to Action it will feel like the results are all that matter.  This is natural. Ask yourself this question many times as time goes by and see if your answer changes).

8. How tough am I? (This is a question I will discuss in great detail in coming post)

Perhaps my favorite television series ever is N.F.L. Film’s “America’s Game.”  This series profiles every Superbowl winning team from the 1960’s to the present. “America’s Game”  illustrates introspection at it’s best.  Each episode documents a particular year and a particular Superbowl champion. The show flows in narrative fashion with in-depth interviews of three members of the team. They describe not only what the season was like, what the team was like, what the era was like, but what their journey meant to them.  Over and over again the players and coaches recant the same message: “It was about the guys playing next to me.” Winning the championship was secondary. The friendships they made, the memories they have, the growth they witnessed are infinitely more valuable than their diamond laced Superbowl rings.

Introspection is a critical part of your journey.  You do not have to wait until your Call to Action reaches completion to look within. However, introspection is very difficult  when you are in the heat of battle. Often, it takes time and space to gain proper perspective. Before you answer the next Call to Action, take some time to reflect.

WHEW!! We made it through the Smart Zone. Practical, rational advice. Right? Now we are going to move sharply to the other side of the brain. It’s time for me to blow your mind. It’s time for me to give you the tools to constantly perform your best ……while you navigate through the Smart Zone. It’s time to get tough.


Much love and holiday blessings,

Peace begins with me

Coach Dave

December 23, 2009 Posted by | Introspection | Leave a comment