Toughsmart's Blog

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Prelude to The Tough-Zone Part 1: What does “Tough” mean?

Inigo Montoya:You keep using that word. I do not think it means
              what you think it means. 

A few words before we enter the Tough-Zone: Tough is not what you think it is. Being tough has nothing to do with winning a fight, establishing dominion over others, being “right” or enduring pain for its own sake. Let’s look at some dictionary definitions of tough

Tough [tuf], adjective:

1.   sturdy; hardy: tough troops.

2.  not easily influenced, as a person; unyielding; stubborn: a tough man to work for.

3. hardened; incorrigible: a tough criminal.

4.  difficult to perform, accomplish, or deal with; hard, trying, or troublesome: a tough problem.

5.  hard to bear or endure (often used ironically): tough luck.

6. vigorous; severe; violent: a tough struggle.

7.  vicious; rough; rowdyish: a tough character; a tough neighborhood.

8. practical, realistic, and lacking in sentimentality; tough-minded.

For our purposes, none of these definitions will do. We live in a society where blame, excuses and victimhood often take center stage. People have a problem BEING tough. Perhaps this is because they do not UNDERSTAND tough.  Further, when trying to cope with difficult circumstances, many choose to play  the role of tough; to try to live up to the inadequate definitions above. You can’t fake tough.

Can you imagine the hero in your movie saying, “This is my greatest challenge ever. I am going to become stubborn, vicious, and hardened. I’m going to make everything I do look difficult. On top of that, I will be callous and unapproachable, so that no one can endure my presence.” Sounds funny but how many people who think they are “tough” do just that?

Tough means one thing:

The ability to perform at a high level NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES.

When you are in the Tough Zone you are boundless, unflappable. You feel relaxed and give off an aura of enjoyment and enthusiasm. You are flexible and make everything you do look easy. You are caring to others. People are naturally drawn to you.

Here are some phrases that adequately describe what being in The Tough Zone means:

1. Being  “In The Zone”
2. Being “In the Flow”
3. Realizing your Buddha nature or Christ nature.
4. Being at one with “Stillness” or “The Now.”
5.Rising Up
6. Connecting to the Power Within, to The Light (of God if you wish), or to Inspiration.

These don’t sound much like the dictionary definitions of tough. However, think about it for a second. Toughness is a power you draw from within, not an image or caricature you project to others. My favorite example of  “Transforming to Tough” (Triple T) is the character Neo in the movie “The Matrix.”  Neo begins the film as Thomas Anderson, a wispy computer hacker burdened by fear, self-doubt and a feeling that his life is incomplete. Neo ends the movie as The One, a limitless man in complete control of his mind and the physical world around him.

Getting into the Smart Zone is easy. All you need is a little but of talent, a lot of hustle and some good advice. Entering  the Tough Zone takes every bit of strength you can summon: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It’s tricky to get there and harder to stay there.  However, accessing the rare air of The Tough Zone is the fuel you will need to see your journey to a fulfilling conclusion. (Notice I said fulfilling not successful) In the coming chapters, we will further define the Tough Zone. I will give you the tools to get there and stay there./p>

Look forward to going all the way down the rabbit’s hole together (Take the blue pill…Matix reference, hopefully not too obscure).

Peace begins with me

Coach Dave

December 29, 2009 Posted by | The Tough Zone | , , , , , , | 3 Comments