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The Smart Zone: Step 5: The Wall

In cinema, sequel movies are typically a disappointment. Granted, Rocky II was awesome (especially when Rocky finally caught that chicken). Come to think of it, Rocky III was amazing too (Clubber Lang invented trash talking ). However, these films are exceptions to the rule. Rocky IV, Rocky V and Rocky VI all stunk in typical sequel fashion. In general, we must agree, sequels almost never reach the creative peak of the original movies that spawned them.

Yo Adrian! How does this apply to Tough-Smart? More specifically, How does this apply to your Call to Action?
Let me walk you right through the subtleties of my Stallone reference:

You decided Life as Usual was not for you. You answered your Call to Action. You enjoyed the N.E.R.D. Phase enough to Find a Coach/Mentor. You Hustled your *ss off. Then, the funniest thing happened.  After some initial success, your Call to Action halted in its tracks.

Your journey has taken an unexpected turn.  Perhaps it has even taken a few steps backward. You have encountered adversity that no one could have predicted. You have endured criticism (sometimes constructive, sometimes not) from places you never would have expected.You’ve been frustrated at times. You have doubted yourself and questioned the very system that  got you to where you are. You now realize that your Call to Action will definitely not proceed the way you planned.

Great job!! You’ve hit The Wall. Consider yourself in élite company. John Elway lost three Superbowls in humiliating fashion before becoming a two-time World Champion. Dana White and the Ultimate Fighting Championships (U.F.C.) almost closed shop before becoming one of the premier entertainment companies in the world. Albert Einstein languished in obscurity before his theory of relativity revolutionized modern physics.

Hitting the wall is a natural part of any great endeavor. That’s the anatomy of success. Now that you have hit The Wall, you must ask yourself the pivotal question of your journey: “What would the hero in MY movie do.” Would Neo pack it in when the Oracle told him he wasn’t “The One.” Would Superman become a victim when Lex Lugar chained him to kryptonite.  What would Rocky do? (WWRD?)

Remember, YOU are the hero in your movie. (You are also the producer, director and projector. We will get to that later). What’s more, your movie is not a cheap sequel. It’s a blockbuster original.  You are not a carbon copy of your mentor. You are unique. You talents are unique. Your journey is unique.  The Wall is the phase where most people’s Call to Action ends.  They become frustrated, disillusioned, burned out. They quit. You, however, are Tough-Smart. This offers tremendous advantages: 1. You knew The Wall was coming. 2. You know The Wall is a sign of impending success. Anticipating and even welcoming The Wall  allows  you to respond proactively, with a sense of creativity.

There’s no telling how long The Wall phase will last. Evolution can be a slow process. Here are some tips to help you stay on track:

1. Stay Cool Like Fonzi – Hitting The Wall is natural.  Your movie would be totally boring without it.

2. Stay hungry – Every day, remind yourself why you love what you are doing

3. Inject certainty – The Wall is an illusion. You will succeed. It’s simply a matter of when.

4. Stay tough – We will talk at length about the Tough-Zone.

5. Show gratitude – Constantly be thankful for what you do have. Constantly be proud of how far you have come.

6. Keep hustling – Anyone can hustle when things are going great. Tough-Smart people hustle no matter what the conditions.

I know many of you are hitting The Wall as you read this. In the next edition of Tough-Smart we will talk about how to get past this scary and strenuous phase. In the meantime, stay Tough-Smart.

Peace begins with me,

Coach Dave

December 14, 2009 Posted by | The Wall | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment